Many women are undergoing gynecological surgery for incontinence, prolapse, and hysterectomy. A pelvic health physiotherapist is able to provide support to these women to enhance recovery and optimize the long terms benefits of their procedure. Preparation is key. At Inner Active Pelvic Physiotherapy seeing a physiotherapist will aim to:
- Optimize bladder and bowel function: It is important that the bladder and bowels are working effectively through good habits. A thorough assessment of the bladder and bowel function is carried out and appropriate advice and management is given. It is important good habits are started early to enhance your recovery post-surgery. check out our blog on healthy bladder and bowels HERE
- Assess your pelvic floor muscles function: Evidence shows up to 50% of women do not know how to exercise their pelvic floor muscles correctly under verbal instruction and at least 25% performing this activity make symptoms worse. We are trained to assess these muscles and identify what is specific to you and your abilities when customizing your pelvic floor training program. Often times the weakness is secondary to underlying issues such as muscle tension, fatigue, or poor coordination. It is important these muscles are trained in the right way to achieve maximum results.
- Assess your breathing, posture, and movement: Your breathing muscles that is your diaphragm works very close with your pelvic floor and it is important the two work closely together. Good posture improves your core muscles that is your deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. When it comes to the movement we ensure that this is safe and effective. Prior to surgery, this may involve teaching you ways to be able to get in and out of bed or positions of rest.
- Management of pain: this can be pain in any part of your body that can affect your movement, function, and strength and as a result, this can impact your recovery. Common areas that can be issues of pain are the lower back, hip pain or pelvic pain that consequently affect can commonly affect how your pelvic floor muscles are performing.
- Understand your physical activities: By understanding your current level of fitness before surgery, allows us to set up a treatment plan that is realistic and holistic in helping you to return to doing the things that you enjoy after surgery. This is also useful in mapping out ways to execute household chores, work duties and daily tasks. Our physiotherapists work with you to establish safe and effective ways for you to return to these activities, use of modifications or alternatives were necessary. Your physiotherapist is able to guide you in a specific graded exercise program that is a pelvic floor safe and individualized to your needs and your surgeon’s post-operative protocols.
- Addressing any other issues: With any kind of surgery, it can be a stressful time emotionally and physically. We aim to work very closely with your surgeon, doctor, and other healthcare providers to make sure that you receive the support you need.
- Useful link for more information:
We are also able to support you after surgery and offer guidance in maximizing your recovery with a thorough evaluation.
Book in with our women’s health physiotherapist at Bundoora clinic or Mernda clinic